Gon-or-rhea, Here We Go Again

^ Mamma Mia pun 😉

While vaccines have been developed for over a century, unfortunately no progress for gonorrhea has been made. Gonorrhea is a scary sexually transmitted disease resulting in discharge and painful urination. There are currently vaccines for HPV and Hep A and B, but that is about it.An article reviewed by Marcia Hobbs at UNC-CH for the Microbial Immunology Journal has revealed that a vaccine for gonorrhea may actually be possible. Studies conducted in Cuba, New Zealand and Canada have evidence of a vaccine that prevents “a significant proportion of gonorrhea.” The vaccine contains Group B Neisseria meningitides outer membrane vesicles. While I do not know fully what this means, I would like to assume it means the outer membrane vesicles of the bacteria that causes gonorrhea and that is Neisseria gonorrhoeae . In New Zealand where it was being used, it is now unavailable, but still being put into practice in several countries. While it does not completely prove to be useful in preventing gonorrhea as a whole, it has been speculated to decrease the prevalence. I think any breakthrough like this is very important and more people should know about it. With the prevalence of STDs in places like college, where I am and will be for a long time, I would like to know that something is out there to protect my peers and myself.

On the topic of STDs in college, I feel like the stigma behind them should be discussed. Knowing the importance of 1. protecting yourself and 2. getting tested are so vital as a young adult especially. However, I can understand the fear of getting tested or even the fear of asking someone that you are sleeping with what their status is. These kinds of stigmas are dangerous, especially when it is a fact that there are no vaccines for gonorrhea or chlamydia. Yes, they are treatable, but this can lead to problems later in life with reoccurring disease or fertility issues in men and women.

Image result for gonorrhea meme

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